
Little boy plane Pedro (1) [Little boy plane Pedro]

Little boy plane Pedro (1)

Once upon a time, in a little airport near Santiago, Chili, there lived three little airplanes.

There was a papa plane, a mama plane, and a baby plane.

The papa plane was a big, powerful mail plane. The mama plane was a middle-sized female plane. And the baby was a little boy plane named Pedro.

Pedro's great ambition in life was to grow up to be a big plane. Like his father, he wanted to carry the mail between Chili and Argentina.

So he drank his gasoline every day like a good little plane, and  went to ground school to learn the ABC's of flying.

In the little airport schoolhouse he studied reading, sky writing, and arithmeticーall in Spanish, of course, because he was a little South American plane.

He also studied history and geography.
And in geography he learned the mail route between Santiago and Mendoza, over the mighty Andes, past Aconcagua, highest mountain in the western hemisphere.

This was the most fun, because Pedro could picture himself slicing through the clouds and skimming past the mountain peaks, carrying the mail over that route.

That day came sooner than he expected.

(つづく 1/6)  

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