
Little boy plane Pedro (4) [Little boy plane Pedro]

Little boy plane Pedro (4)

And most frightening of all, the jagged crags of the mountainside seemed to form a huge, evil, forbidding stone face which glared fiercely at little Pedro through the clouds.

Taking deep breath, Pedro shot forward, raced behind a huge cloud, Pedro shot forward, raced behind a huge cloud, and came out on the other side of the peak, safe and pleased with himself.

The worst was over now.
Now it was clear sailing to Mendoza.

Pedro came into the Mendoza airport just as he had been taught, and soon spied the mailbag on the hangar hook.
It was waiting the mail plane, and heーPedroーwas that mail plane.

Almost bursting with pride, Pedro rolled over on his back and floated down toward the dangling sack.

He hooked it nearly over one wing, and in another moment he was one wing, and in another moment he was flying off again.

Now the mountains loomed ahead once more, but Pedro was not disturbed.
He was homeward boundーand ahead of schedule !

" I'll bet mother and dad will be proud of me, " he thought.

Just for practice he did a few barrel rolls and loop-the-loops.
He sailed on his back in lazy circles.
He dove through couds. He hd a wonderful time.

But he forgot all about being a grown-up mail plane with a job to do.
He forgot all about the mountains, and his mother and father waiting beyond them.

He spied a giant condor, and chased the ugly bird all over the sky.

Before long Pedro lost track of the condor in a dense fog which shrouded mountains.
He was flying blindly through the fog, making brave little machine-gun noises to fog, making brave little machine-gun noises to keep his spirits up.

Before him loomed Aconcagua, shrouded in low clouds. The monster-face formed by its rocky, snow-filled crags frowned threateningly at poor Pedro.

The oil froze in little Pedro's cylinders; his moter knocked with fright.
All the warnings he had ever heard came back to hime nowーthe treacherous cross currents, the sudden mountain stoms.

Bravely he headed toward the peak.

(つづく 4/6)


Pedro 実は、DISNEY の物語だったのです。

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