
The Big Guest (4) [The Big Guest]

The Big Guest (4)


Kittu did not get angry.
He again asked Lakshmi to sit.

But Lakshmi again filled her trunk with water.

Now Kittu showed her his stick and warned her not to repeat the mischief.

This time Lakshmi did not pour water on him but thew it backward with force. 

Raja was standing just behind and the water fell all over him.
It was great fun.

Lakshmi was only playing.

Kittu pulled Lakshmi by the ear and ordered her to sit.

She obeyed.

He then scrubbed her with a piece of stone and cleaned her all over.

On the way back Kittu gave Raja a ride on Lakshmi.

Raja was thrilled.

When they reached home, Grandfather, Grandmother, and all the other were waiting outside to see Raja riding an elephant.

Kittu had told Raja that Lakshmi liked ripe bananas better than suger cane.

Raja waited for opportunity to give her some.

As soon as Grandfather was out, Raja quietly went to the cellar and took half of a huge bunch of ripe bananas.

He took the bananas to Lakshmi.

She ate them with great relish.

(つづく 4/5)      
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