
The Wishing chair (10) [The Wishing chair]

The Wishing chair (10)

" Who are you, and what are you doing here ? " he asked.

"We've just come on a flying visit, " said Peter.
" We know what three times seven areーand  seven times three  too. So, if you let that pixie go, we'll tell you. "

" You tell me, then, you clever children ! " cried tha giant, delighted.

" They are twenty-one, " said Peter.

The giant, still holding the pixie tightly in his hand, went across to the table and added up some figures.

" Yes, twenty-one, " he said.
" Now why didin't I think of that ? Good ! "

" Let the pixie go, " begged Mollie.

" Oh no !" said the giant, with a wicked grin.
" he shall be shut up in the top room of my castle, and you shall be my servants instead, and help me to add up my sums ! Come along  with me whilst I shut up Chinky. "

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The WIshing cair (9)The Wshing chair (11.. ブログトップ
