
The Wishing chair (13) [The Wishing chair]

The Wishing chair (13)

" We've escaped ! " shouted Peter.

" What an adventure !
Cheer up, Chinky !
We'll take you home with us ! You shall live with us, if you like.
We have a fine playroom at the end of our garden.
You can live there and no one will know.
What fun we'll have with you and the wishing-chair. "

"You are very kind of me, " said Chinky gratefully.
" I shall love to live with you.I can take you on many, many adventures ! "

" Harrah ! " shouted the two children.
" Loo, Chinky, we're going down to our garden."

Soon they were safely in the garden, and the chair flew in at the open door of the playroom.

Its wings disappeared, and it settled itself down with a long sigh, as if to say, " Home again ! "

" You can make a nice bed of the cushions from the sofa, " said Mollie to the pixie.

" And I'll give you a rug from the hall-chest to cover yourself with.
We must go now, because it is past our teatime.
We'll come and see you again to-morrow.
Good luck ! "

(13/15  The second chapter [The giant castle] 完

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