
One-Inch Fellow 一寸法師(3) [One-Inch Fellow 一寸法師]

One-Inch Fellow 一寸法師(3)

Early on the day of departure, the old woman was up, cooking over her charcoal fire, while the old man prepared a farewell speech.

In silence the three ate their breakfast and One-Inch Fellow neatly tied in his little square cloth some newly cooked rice balls and salted plums.

" Honourable parents, I take my leave now, " he said, bowing low before them.

" This is your sword, " said his father, handing to One-Inch Fellow a shiny needle in a scabbard of straw.

" Keep it always stainless like your soul."
" And this is your boat, " added his father, placing a black lacquered soup bowl with one chopstick before him.

" Steer it well to Kyoto with this oar. And now go, my son. "

Carrying the boat, the parents walked with One-Inch Fellow to the water's edge.

The old man put the bowl on the water and helped his son climb into it.
With his oar One-Inch Fellow steered his boat out to the deeper part of the river.

The voice of the old people called after him as he paddled away.
" Banzai ! Banzai ! "

The old man continued to wave, but the old woman hid her face in her sleeve.

(3/9  続く)

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