
One-Inch Fellow 一寸法師(8) [One-Inch Fellow 一寸法師]

One-Inch Fellow (8)

A few feet away lay a large wooden hammer.

" That must be something the monster left behind, " said One-nch Fellow.
" If you are rested, let us hasten homeward. "

"Wait ! " cried Princess, lifting up the hammer.

" Stand there, Onr-Inch Fellow.
This looks like a magic hammer that can answer wishes.
That monster must have been a god in disguise who came to test you.
Otherwise he would not have left behind this precious hammer. "

" May I ask, Princess, how you know that is such a wonderful gift ? "

" We shall see, " said the princess solemnly.
One-Inch Fellow had never seen the Princess so solemn.

"If this be the mgic hammer my honoured father hs spoken of, then when you strike it, anything you wish will come true.
What do you wish, One-Inch Fellow ?
Speak ! "

" I have nothing to wish for since my wish has been granded. I am serving your honoured father.
StillーPerhaps I might like to be a little taller. "

" Please, merciful god, make One-Inch Fellow tall as a man."
The Princess said this very quitely, and struck the hammer on the grand.

Strange ! Strange !

One-Inch Fellow seemed to see the earth sinking lower and lower.

But it was not the earth that was changing; it was he who was growing taller.

" Please, merciful god, make him tall as a man, " the Princess said, as she struck the hammer a second time.

(8/9  つづく )

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