
Beauty and the Beast (2) [Beauty and the Beast]

Beauty and the Beast (2)

The rose she had offered was an enchanted rose.

It would bloom until the prince was twenty-one years old.

If he could learn to love and be loved before the last red petal fell, then the spell would be broken.
If not, he would remain a beast for all time.

Ashamed of his monstrous form, the Beast hid inside the castle.

A magic mirror was his only window to the outside world.

As the years passed, he fell into despair.
He would not believe that anyone could ever love him.

Slowly the rose began to wither.

In the nearby village there lived a young girl named Belle.
She was very beautiful.

But Belle, unlike the other girls in the village, cared only for her books and always felt out of place.

画像12-07-21 014.jpg


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Beauty and the Beast..Beauty and the Beast.. ブログトップ
