
Beauty and the Beast (7) [Beauty and the Beast]

Beauty and the Beast (7)

In the days that followed, the Beast tried to be proper host.

He showed Belle his library, where they read together.

And she, in turn, began to teach him how to act like a gentleman.

" Perhaps it isn't too late, " Cogsworth whispered to Mrs.Potts and her son, Chip the teacup.

" If belle could only love the Beast, this spell might yet be broken. "

The winter passed pleasantly for belle and the Beast.

Belle thought of the Beast as her dearest friend.

He thought of little but the beautyful Belle.

One night while belle was teaching him to dance, the Beast stammered, " Belle, are you happy hereーwith me? "

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" Yes, " said belle without hesitation, but the Beast saw a trace of sadness in her eyes.

Then Belle added, " If only I could see my father again, even for a minute. "

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