
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (8) [TheSorcerer's Apprentice]

The Sorcerer's Apprentice (8)

Jim had to make trip after trip with two heavy buckets full of water. 

" If only I knew some magic words, " he sighed.
" I could make these buckets fly on their own. "

" If you knew any magic words at all, " grumbled the raven crossly, " you could get us both out of here. "

The bird went on, " Haven't you ever realised, my lad, that the Sorcerer never lets you hear one word he says, when he is casting his spells. "

" You are right ! " gasped Jim.
" All we've got to do is to overhear the magic words and we'll be free. "

This was easier said than done.

Jim and the raven tried everything.

They crept up behind the Sorcerer in total silence.

They hid behind his treasure chest.
They crouched under his table.

They even tried asking him.

This made the old man even moresusoicious than before.

Not only did he work Jim hard all day, but late into the night, too.


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nice! 2

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