
FULL HOUSE Michelle The Big Turkey Escape (18) [TheSorcerer's Apprentice]

FULL HOUSE Michelle  The Big Turkey Escape (18)

" Oh, gross ! " michelle cried as the egg yolk ran down her cheek.

she wiped off her face with her sleeves and yanked off her slimy hat.

She glared at the squawking birds.

These chickens hate me !  Just like all the other animals on this farm !
I'm getting out of here.

Michelle took two steps toward the front of the barnーand stopped.

No, she thought.
No way.
I'm not lettting those chickens win.

Michelle spun around to face them.
" I didn't care what you do ! " she shouted at the chickens.

" I'm getting those eggs ! "
She started toward the nests.
All right ! she thought. 

The chickens were so busy fighting each other and trying to peck Michelle that all the nests were empty.

Michelle reached for an egg.

A yellow and brown hen flapped up to the nest.
It grabbed Michelle's little finger in its beak.

She didin't care.
While the chicken was nibbling on her left hand, she used her right hand to transfer three eggs from the nest to her basket.

Only about wenty more to go, Michelle thought.

She shook her lrft hand until the chicken let go.
Then she  bent down andemptied another nest.

A chicken landed on her back and started pecking her ponytail !

Michelle shook her head and the chicken flapped off, feathers flying.

She moved on to the next nest.

One of the chickens tried to climb straight up the leg of her jeans.
She could feel its little claws scraping her.

" Out of my way, chickens ! " Michlelle shouted.
She grabbed one egg after the other.

Done ! Finally !

She noticed a little door underneath the shelves.

That must be for the chikens to go in and out.
I bet I can use it for a shortcut.

She dropped to her hands and knees and squeezed through.
Then she jumped to her feet.

I did it ! Michelle thought.
I got the eggs !
Hurray for me !

She hurried back to the farmhouse.

" I was just about to send someone out to look for you ! " Maria cried when Michelle came through the door. 
Michlle は、ナントカ、卵の入手に成功したようです。

FULL HOUSE Michelle は、どの巻も、楽しい話でいっぱいで、日常使われる英語で話が進みます。

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