
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (11) [TheSorcerer's Apprentice]

The Sorcerer's Apprentice (11)

Soon not only was the Great Hall flooded, but water swept down the stairs and through the castle and courtyard.

All at once, the sky grew dark and there was a noise like thunder.

A great shadow fell across Jim and raven.

The Sorcerer had returned.

His towering rage was like a storm.
His anger lit up the Great Hall like lightning.

He screamed the magic words to stop the broom and an icy wind swept through the room.

At once everything was back to normal.

Very slowly, a smile spread across Jim's face.

For in his rage, the Sorcerer had uttered the magic words that stop all spells.

Jim had heard them at last.

" Beat him ! Beat him ! " cried the furious old man to the broom.

Just as the broom was about to crack down on Jim's shoulders, the boy shouted the magic words he had just learned.

Back to the corner went the broom.

" Now I know the words to start spells, and to stop them, " cried Jim in glee, " and you told me them yourself, Sorcerer. You're finished at last." Jim danced round the old wizard in delight.

" Your wicked spells are at an end forever."

The raven flew up into the bearms of the roof in fear.

The Sorcerer smile.
He beckoned Jim toward him.

He bent his head very close to the boy and whispered in his ear.

" Of course you have learned my secrets, you clever boy. You're the best apprentice  I have ever had, " the Sorcerer went on.


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