
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (14 完) [TheSorcerer's Apprentice]

The Sorcerer's Apprentice (14 完)

Another blinding flash, and the Sorcerer's magic words round the mountains.

Soon the great voice faded away to nothing.

Everything was silent.

The clear stream gurgled and sparkled, as it flowed out of the castle grounds.

It splashed down the hillside into the river in the valley, and out into the open sea.

Jim and raven hugged each other in glee.

They danced on the bank of the little stream, and laughed and laughed.

" He's tricked himself, " said Jim, quite brethless.

" When he turned into a drop of water, he was swallowed up by the water of the stream.

Soon he'll be lost in the ocean for ever. "

Jim and the raven rolled on the grass in delight at the thought.
" He's gone for ever, " chuckled the raven.
" We're free at last. "

Without even one look at the castle, JIm and the raven went down the mountain path.


What a welcome awaited in the valley !
What stories were told of their adventures !

Jim still had his magic power, and soon he brought back happiness to his valley.
" I promise to always use my magic for good and never for evil, " he said with smile.

" And I shall make sure that you do, " croaked his friend the raven.

(14/14 完)
いくらなんでも、こんな莫迦な魔術師はいないぞ、と思うのですが、そういうお話ですので、ご了承下さい。アップが遅くなり、申し訳ありませんでした。1~2日の間は、Peter Pan 1本立てと思います。      

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nice! 2

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ふ~~ ん  楽しめました!
by グリンクリン (2012-10-22 14:51) 


グリンクリンさん & 皆様 へ。
急にJim が魔法を自在に使えるようになって、どうも変な戦いが続き、都合よく魔術師があっさりJim の策に落ちてしまうのですが、めでたしめでたしの結末ですので、まあいいか、と思います次第です。

by 足立sunny (2012-10-23 21:00) 



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