
The Pied Piper of Hermelin (1) [Pied Piper of Hermelin]

The Pied Piper in Hermelin ハーメルンの笛吹き男(1)

This is the town of Hermelin.


It is a good town, but for one thing.

Rats !

Big rats and little rats.

Rats in the shops and rats in the houses.
There are rats everywhere !

The people of Hermelin want to get rid of the rats.

One man says, " What can we do ? There are rats everywhere ! "

The people say, " We will gp to see the mayor. He will help us. "

The people go to see the mayor.
" Please ge rid of the rats, " they say.

The mayor says, " I don't like rats, but what can I do ? I cannot make the rats go away. "

" You will have to get rid of the rats, or we will not have you for mayor, " say the people.

Then they go home.

A strange man comes to see the mayor.
The strange man is the pied piper.

The pied piper says to the mayor, " I can help you if you like. Will you give me some money if I get rid of the rats for you ? "

The mayor says, " Yes, I will give you all the money you want if you can meke the rats go away. "

The Pied Piper is pleased.


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Black Beauty (3)The Pied Piper of He.. ブログトップ
