
Black Beauty (10) [Black Beauty]

I don't know what time of night it was, but I woke up feeling very uncomfortable.

The stable seemed full of smoke and I could hardly breathe.

I heard Ginger coughing and the other horses seemed restless.
Some were pulling at their halters, others were stamping.

I listened and heard a soft rushing noise, and a low crackling and snapping.
There was something so srange about it that it made me remble all over.

At last Dick Towler burst into the stable with a lantern, and began to untie the horses, to lead them out.

He seemed so frightened himself that he frightened us as well. and none of us would go with him.

He tried us all in turn, then left the stable.

I saw a red light flickerng on the wall, and heard a roaring noise.
Then there was a cry of " Fire " outside.

(the fire 3/5) 
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Black beauty (9)Snow White and Rose .. ブログトップ
