
Black Beauty (21) [Black Beauty]

(11) Life as a job horse

Some of the people who wanted to hire me couldn't drive at all.

As I was good-tempered and gentle, I think I was more often let out to the bad drivers than some of the other horses, because I could be depended upon.

Of course, we sometimes came in for good driving.

One morning I was put into a light gig and taken to a house in Pultenry Street.

Two gentleman came out.
The tallerof them took the reins and I can remember even now how quitely he turned me round.

Then with a light feel of the rein drawing the whip gently across my back, we were off.

I arched my neck and set off at my best pace because I had someone behind me who knew how a good horse ought to be driven.

It seemed like old times again !

This gentleman took a great liking to me, and eventually I was sold to a friend of his who wanted a safe, pleasant horse for riding.

So that summer I was sold to Mr Barry, and I had yet another new master.

(Life as a job horse 1/3)

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