
Snow White and Rose Red (15 完) [Snow White and Rose Red]

Snow White and Rose Red (15 完)

" I am a prince, " he said.
" I was bewitched by that devil gnome, who stole all my treasures.
He made me run through the woods in the form of a wild bear and said I would not be free of the spell until his death.
Now he has received the punishment he deserved. "

Now, you might think that was the end of the story, but it wasn't quite.

A few years later Snow White married the prince, and Rose Red married his brother.

The old mother lived with her children in peace and happiness ever after.

She brought the rose bushes to the palace and planted them under the window, and every year they still bloomed with the most beauiful white and red roses in the world.

(15/15 完)

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Snow White and Rose ..Black Beauty (22) ブログトップ
