
The Duke's command (1) Story of George Frederick Handel [The Duke's command]

The Duke's command (1)

A little past midnight, a small figure carrying a single candle began to climb the attic stairs.

It was so dark that the boy, George Frederick, could see only a few steps ahead.
Finally he reached the top.

Hearing a noise, he stood still for a moment, trembling.
" Oh, I hope Papa didn't hear anything. " he whispered.
But it was only a mouse.

He walked to a heavy oak desk.
Placing the candle to one side, he carefully lifted the blanket which covered a large object on the desk.

It was his clavichord ! Papa still hadn't discovered his secret !


Eagerly he sat down at the little pianolike instrument and ran his fingers up and down the keys.

Then he played a few tinkling chords, finally, he settled down to practice the scales.
His fingers flew up and down with grace and ease.

George Frederick didn't mind practicing on a clavichord that was so short and small it didn't have legs, but sat on top of the desk instead.

The important thing was that he could play it and try out his own melodies.
It was wonderful !

Each night, after everyone in the large house-hold was asleep, George Frederick would go to the attic.
Nobody could hear him because the walls and floors were so thick, and the sounds from clavichord so soft. 

※ George Frederick handel 作曲家 

ヘンゼルとグレーテルを出そうと思い探しましたら、なぜかヘンデルが出てきたのですね。クリスマスといえば、messiah の曲ということで。

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