
The Lion and the Mouse (6 完 ) [The Lion and the Mouse]

The Lion and the Mouse (6 完 )

Then the lion scooped up the mouse and placed her on his head.

He carried her back to the berry bush and lay down under it.

" Mouse, " he said, " I want you to reach up and pick one of those berries that you wanted earlier today. "

The mouse plucked the beggest berry she could find.

The lion took the mouse off of his head and held her in his paw.

" Let's stick together, " he said, " I can help you reach the berries, and you can get me out of a tight spot now and then. "

" Okay ! " said the mouse.
" I will pick you some berries to eat, and we can have a picnic together. "

" I don't know if I would like to eat berries, but just having your company would be fine with me, " said the lion.

So if you are ever walking along and see a lion laughing and carrying a little mouse, you will know that these twohave became great friends because thay showed a great deal of kindness to one another.

(6/6 完)
明日から、Little Andy Ant Goes to School 全6回を、予定しています。

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