
The Old House (9) [The Old House]

The Old House (9)

" You will have to, " said the little boy just as the old man returned with the comfits, apples, and nuts ; and at the sight of them the boy forgot all about the soldier.

Happy and content, the little boy returned home.

Days and weeks went by.

The boy nodded to the old man from his window, and from the funny bow window of the old house the greeting was returned.

Finally the little boy was asked to come visiting again.

The carved trumpeters blew, " Tra. . . tra . . . tratralala . . .the boy is here ! . . . Tra tra "

The knight in armour clanged with their swords and the silk gowns of the ladies rustled, the leather on the wall says its little verse, and the old chairs that that had rheumatism creaked.

Nothing had changed, for in the old house every day and hour were exactly alike.

" I can't stand it, " screamed the tin soldier as soon as he saw the boy.


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