
Adventure in NARNIA (27) [Adventure in NARNIA]

Adventure in NARNIA (27)

There was not even a robin or squirrel among the trees, and the wood stretched as far as he could see in every direction.
He shivered.

He now remembered that he had been lookingfor Lucy: and also how unpleasant he had been to her about her " imaginary country " which now turnedout not to have been imaginary at all.

He thought that she must be somewhere quite close and so he shouted, " Lucy ! Lucy ! I'm here too ー Edmund. "

There was no answer.

" She's angry about all the things I've been saying lately, " thought Edmund.
And thought he did not like to admit that he had been wrong, he also did not much like being alone in the strange, cold, quite place ; so he shouted again.

" I say, Lu ! I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I see now you were right all along. Do come out. Make it Pax. "

Still there was no answer.

" Just like a girl, " said Edmund to himself, " sulking somewhere, and won't accept an apology. "

He looked round him again and decided he did not much like this place, and had almost made up his mind to go home, when he heard, very far off in the wood, a sound of bells.


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