
Adventure in NARNIA (63) [Adventure in NARNIA]

Adventure in NARNIA (63)

And where the water had been trickling over and spurting through the dam there was now a glittering wall of icicles, as if the side of the dam had been covered all over with flowers and wreaths and festoons of the purest sugar.

And out in the middle, and partly on top o the dam was a funny little house shaped rather like an enormous beehive, and from a hole in the roof smoke was going up, so that when you saw it  (especially if you were hungry ) you at once thought of cooking and became hungrier than you were before.  

That was what the others chiefly noticed, but Edmund noticed something else.
A little lower down the river there was another small river which came down another small valley to join it. And looking up that valley, Edmund could see two small hills, and he was almost sure they were the two hills which the White Witch had pointed out to him when he parted rom her at the lamp-post that other day.

And then between them, he thought, must be her palace, only a mile off or less.
And he thought about Turkish Delight and about being a king (" And I wonder how Peter will like that ? " he asked himself) and horrible idea came into his head.

昨日、今日とNarnia だけでしたが、明日22日よりまた2本立てでゆきたいと思います。現在、候補作を検討中です(=まだ何も考えていない)。

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