
Johnny Appleseed (2) [Johnny Appleseed]

Johnny Appleseed (2)

The pioneers were talking their families off into the great empty lands of the West, to build new homes.

" Come along, boy ! " the pioneers shouted to Johnny, when they saw him standing there at the roadside.
" Come West, young fellow. Come along with us. "

" But I can't be a pioneer ! " said Johnny.
" I'm not tall and strong. I couldn't shop down trees to build  a log cabin. I couldn't clear fields to plant corn. I guess there's nothing much that I can do out West. "  

The pioneers were not listening. They were marching ahead, still singing as they went.

Soon the words of their song floated back to Johnny on the breeze.
" ー you'll be left alone, "

" I wish I could go West, too, " said Johnny to himself.

" You can, Johnny ! " said a voice beside him.
It was Johnny's Guardian Angel speaking.
" Not all the pioneers have to cut down trees. You can be a pioneer who plants trees. Wherever there are homes, Son, the folks will need apple trees. "

"Why, Johnny Appleseed ! You just think of the things that apples make. There's apple pies and apple fritters, apple cores to feed the critters, tasty apple cider in a glass. There's apples baked and boiled and frizzled, taffy apples hot and sizzled, and there's always good old apple sass ! "


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Through the fire (11..Through the fire (12.. ブログトップ
