
Through the fire (16) [Through the fire]

Through the fire (16)

A whole year had passed had Jack had seen nothing of his fairy friends.

Christmas had come round again, but this was a very different Christmas for little Jack was very ill.

Christmas week passed, and New Year's Eve came, and still Jack lay in bed.
" This time last year I saw the Princess, " he sighed.

" Little Jack ! " called a low, sweet voice, and there at the window, standing in a moonbeam, were the Prince and Princess.

" Now see what we have brought you, " said the Princess.
" This is a magic belt. You must put it on and it will make you strong again. No one will know it is there, for directly it is upon you it will become invisible. "

The Prince and Princess slipped the belt over Jack's head and fastened it round his waist, but when it was on he could neither feel nor see it.

" Farewell, dear little Jack, " they said.
" This time we part for ever. "
Then both Prince and Princess floated up on the moon beam.

From the very next day Jack began to get well, but when he told his mother about the Princess and the wonderful belt he wore, she only shook her head and said with a smile; " Dear boy, you have had a dream. I am glad it was such a pleasant one. "

Years afterwards, he often felt for the belt but never could find it, but when his mother rejoiced that he had grown to be such a tall, strong boy, he smiled to himself and said, " It all came of my going to the North Pole for the Fire Princess. "

(16/16 完) 

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Through the fire (15..Johnny Appleseed (7) ブログトップ
