
The Half-Chick (3) [The Half-Chick]

The Half-Chick (3)

One day he had been out for a longer expedition than usual in the fields.

On his return, he strutted up to his mother with the peculiar little hop and kick which was his way of walking, and cocking his one eye at her in a very bold way, he said:
" Mother, I am tired of this life in a dull farmyard, with nothing but a dreary maize field to look at. I'm off to Madrid to see the King. " 

" To Madrid, Medio Pollito!" exclaimed his mother.
" why, you silly chick, it would be a long journey for a grown-up cock, and a poor little thing like you would be tired out before you had gone half the distance. No, no, stay at home with your mother, and some day, when you are bigger, we will go a little journey together. "

But Medio Pollito had made up his mind, and he would not listen to his mother's advice, nor to the prayers and entreaties of his brothers and sisters.

" What is the use of our all crowding each other up in this poky little place?" he said.
" When I have a fine courtyard of my own at the King's palace, I shall perhaps ask some of you to come and pay me a short visit."

And scarcely waiting to say good-bye to his family, away he stumped down the high road that led to Madrid.


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The Man from Snowy R..The Steadfast Tin So.. ブログトップ
