
Prince Zeyn and the King of the Genii (2) [Prince Zeyn find maiden]

Prince Zeyn and the King of the Genii (2)

Knowing that he was going to die, the King Balsora sent for Prince Zeyn.
" You will soon be the king of this country, " he said.
" And I hope you will be a good one. Do not listen to those who are always praising you, and try to find out a real truth before you punish any one. "

Prince Zeyn promised to remember his father's words, and afterwards the old king died.

At first, Zeyn was not a good king.
Being able to do whatever he liked, he spent most of his time in amusing himself and spending money.

His mother, a very wise queen, reminded him of his father's words, and he began to feel sorry that he was not a better king, whom his people could love as they had loved his father.

But his money was all spent, and not knowing where to get any more, he felt sad.


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Prince Zeyn and the ..The Happy Prince (4) ブログトップ
