
Pinocchio (10) [Pinocchio]

Pinocchio (10 完)

Geppetto was safe.

But the effort of saving his father had been too much for brave Pinocchio.
Pinocchio fell to the ground.

When Geppetto sat up he found his beloved Pinocchio lying face down in a pool of water.

Geppetto thought that Pinocchio was dead.

Gepetto cried as he carried his little boy home and laid him on the bed.

Then dazzling light filled the room again, and out of it came the voice of the Blue Fairy saying,
" Awake, Pinocchio, awake ! "

Pinocchio had truly proved he was brave, honest and unselfish.

Now the Blue Fairy kept her word, and gave Pinocchio his life.
But this time he was a real boy, not one made out of wood.

What a party they all had to celebrate !
It was like Christmas.

Jiminy sat on the windowsill and watched them.
Then he looked up at the evening Star.
" Thank you, Blue Fairy ! " he said quietly.

For now that Pinocchio was a real boy, he had his own voice of conscience.

Jiminy's work was finished.

Happily Geppttto and Pinocchio lived together all their life. 

(10/10 完)

The Story of Mimi-Nashi-Hōichi (3) 以降は、若干遅れて、金曜日以降に再開いたします(ちょっと一部で難航しておりまして)。
明日から、Pinocchio に代わります童話が登場予定です。

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