
The dream of Owen (6 完) [The dream of Owen]

The dream of Owen (6 完)

The ship came nearer, and the captain began to shout to Owen.

" Throw down one of your boots. If it lands on deck we shall know we are under you. "

Owen kicked one foot, and his boot fell towards the ship.
But Owen did not see where it landed.

He was distracted by a terrible scream, and suddenly he heard his wife's voice shouting " Who is killing me ? Owen, where can you be ? "

" Is that you, Margaret ? " asked Owen, not quite sure where he was, or how she had got there.

"Of course, it's me, " replied Margaret.

Margaret lit a candle.
The bed was covered in soot and she couldn't see her husband.

He was up the chimney, clinging on with his finger tips.

One of his boots had come off and had woken Margaret when it hit her on the head.

" So the master was right about your dream, " said Margaret, smiling.

" Yes, he was right enough, " said Owen.

And Owen O'Mulready never wanted to have another dream again.

(6/6 完)

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