
The Man Who Never Knew Fear (Bravest Boy) (5) [The Bravest Boy]

The Man Who Never Knew Fear (Bravest Boy) (5)

Then Lawrence took the goblet, and went to the baker.

The baker was astonished that Lawrence had returned in one piece, and they went to see the priest to tell him the news.

The priest was so pleased that he paid Lawrence still more money.

Lawrence had traveled through lonely countryside when he came to a valley crowded with people watching two men playing a ball game, but the crowd seemed to be frightened.

Suddenly, one of the players hurled the ball towards him.

Lawrence saw that it was the head of a man and as Lawrence caught it, it screeched, " Are you not afraid ? "

" No, I am not ! " said Lawrence, and the head, and the crowd of people , vanished from sight.


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Important Book (4 完)The Man Who Never Kn.. ブログトップ
