
The Miller, his son and their Donkey (3 完) [The Miller and Donkey]

The Miller, his son and their Donkey (3)

" Anything to please you, " said the old man, " we can but try. "

So they got off, tied the donkey's legs together with a rope and slung him on a pole, and at last reached the town, carrying him between them.

This was so absurd a sight that the people ran out in crowds to laugh at it, and chaffed the father and son unmercifully, some even calling them lunatics.

They had then got to a bridge over the river where the donkey, frightened by the noise and his unusual situation, kicked and struggled till he broke the ropes that bound him, and fell into the water and was drowned.

Whereupon the unfortunate Miller, vexed and ashamed, made the best of his way home again, convinced that in trying to please all he had pleased none, and had lost his donkey in the bargain.

(3/3 完)

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