
Rapunzel (5 完) [RApunzel]

Rapunzel (5 完)

The Prince wondered, blind and miserable, through the forest.

He ate nothing but roots and berries, and wept and mourned the loss of his beloved bride.
He wondered like this from place to place for many years, as wretched and unhappy as it was possible to be.

At last, the poor blind Prince wandered to the desert where Rapunzel was living.
He was roaming about in despair when he suddenly heard a familiar voice singing.
The Prince eagerly followed the lovely sound, and when he was quite close, Rapunzel saw him and recognized him.

Rapunzel threw her arms around the prince's neck and wept for joy at seeing him again and for sorrow at his poor sightless eyes.

But then two of her tears fell into his eyes, immediately, the Prince's eyes became clear and he could see as well as he had ever done.

The Prince led Rapunzel to his kingdom, where they were received and welcomed with great joy and relief.
They were married and lived happily ever after.

(5/5 完)

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nice! 2

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Fair, Brown, and Tre..Fair, Brown, and Tre.. ブログトップ
