
The Greek Princess and the young Gardener (2) [Princess and Gardener]

The Greek Princess and the young Gardener (2)

The next night, the gardener's second son was on guard.

Again the lad was asleep when the bird came to steal an apple.

Again the King roared at the gardener's boy, but the bird had flown away, and another of King's finest, most succulent apples was gone from the tree.

The King began to despair.

On the third evening, it was the youngest son's turn.
He was determined to gain credit with the King.

As usual the bird arrived and the boy let loose one arrow at the bird as it flew.

The bird did not fall, but as the allow fell, one of the bird's feathers fell too.

The King was pleased, for the bird had not had the chance to steal an apple, and the King was fascinated by the feather.
It was made of the finest beaten gold.

The King decided to catch the bird with the golden feathers.
He offered half his kingdom, plus the hand of his daughter in marriage, to any man who capture the bird.

All the young men of King's household, including the gardener's sons, wondered how they could find the bird.


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