
The Bronze Ring (22 完) [The Bronze Ring]

The Bronze Ring (22)

" Bronze ring, " commanded the young man, " obey thy master. Let my ship appear as it was before. "

Immediately the genii of the ring set to work, and the old black vessel became once more the wonderful golden ship with sails of brocade ; the handsome sailors ran to the silver masts and the silken ropes, and very soon they set sail for the capital of there land.

Ah ! how merrily the sailor sang as they flew over the glassy sea !
At last the port was reached.

The captain landed and ran to the palace, where he found the magician asleep.

The Princess clasped her husband in a long embrace.

The magician tried to escape, but he was seized and bound with strong cords.

The next day the magician, tied to the tail of a savage mule loaded with nuts, was broken into as many pieces as there were nuts upon the mule's back.

(22/22 完)

明日27日より、少し短い新物語をお出しして、The Wonderful Sheep との2本立てになる予定です。 

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The Greek Princess a..The wonderful Sheep .. ブログトップ
