
Beauty and the Beast (4) [Beauty & the Beast]

Beauty and the Beast (4)

  He was only about thirty miles from home when disaster struck once more. While riding through a vast forest he somehow missed his way and became lost.

  It began to snow heavily and the wind was so strong that he was twice thrown from his horse.

  When darkness came he was sure he would stave of hunger or cold, or that he would be eaten by the howling wolves.

  Suddenly he saw a light at the end of a long tree-lined path. It seemed quite far away but just the thought ofshelter gave the merchant a little strength.

  He walked towards it and saw that the light came from a brightly lit palace.
  Astonished, he passed through the gateway ; the courtyard was quite empty.

  His horse, which followed him, saw an empty stable and went inside. The cold, starving animal found some hay and oats which it started to eat greedily, while the merchant walked to the house.


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The Tale of The Flop..Beauty and the Beast.. ブログトップ
