
The Adventures of Toad (10) [TheAdventures of Mr.Toad]

The Adventures of Toad (10)

  " Then, Ratty, " murmured Toad, more feebly than ever, " I beg you ー for the last time, probably - to step round to the village as quickly as possible ー even now it may be too late ー and fetch the doctor. And, while you are about it ー would you ask the lawyer to step up ? "

  " O, he must be really bad ! " the Rat said to himself as he hurried from the room, locking the door behind him.
  " I've known Toad fancy himself bad before, but i've never heard him ask for a lawyer ! "
He ran off on his errand of mercy.

  Toad hopped lightly out of bed as soon as he heard the key turn in the lock.

  Then, laughing heartily, he dressed quickly and, knoting the sheets from his bed together and tying one end round the window, he slid to the ground and marched off whistling a merry tune.

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The Nightingale (2)The Adventures of To.. ブログトップ
