
The Voyages of Sindbad (27) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (27)

  We set sail and at last reached Balsora, from where I hastened to Bagdad, where my first action was to bestow large sums of money upon the poor, after which I settled down to enjoy tranquilly the riches I had gained with so much toil and pain.

  Having thus related the adventures of his second voyage, Sindbad again bestowed a hundred sequins upon Hindbad, inviting him to come on the following day and hear how he fared upon his third voyage.

  The other guests also departed to their homes, but all returned at the same hour next day including the porter, whose former life of hard work and poverty had already begun to seem to him like a bad dream.

  Again after the feast was over did Sindbad claim the attention of his guests and began the account of his  third of his voyage.

次回より、Third Voyage です。

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