Black Beauty ブログトップ
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Black Beauty (31) [Black Beauty]

One day that summer, the groom cleaned and brushed me with such care that I thought some new change must be at hand.
think even harness had an extra polish.

Willie seemed half-anxious, half-merry, as he got into the carriage with his grandfather.
" If the ladies take to him, " said the old gentleman, " they'll be suited and he'll be suited. We can but try. "

We drove through the village and up to a pretty house with a lawn and shrubbery at the front.

Willie stayed with me while Mr Thoroughgood went into the house.
Soon he returned, followed by three ladies.

They all came and looked at me and asked questions.
One of them took to me very much.
She said she was sure she should like me, I had such a god face.

Anotherーa tall, pale ladyーsaid that she would always be nervous in riding behind a horse that had once been down.

" It isn't always the horse's fault, " said Mr Thoroughgood.
" Why don't you have him on trial, so that your coachman can see what he think ? "

And so it was arranged.
In the morning the ladies' smart-looking groom came for me.
I was led home, placed in a comfortable stable, fed, and left to myself. 

(Famer Thoroughgood and his grandson 2/4) 

Black beauty (32) [Black Beauty]

The next day , when the groom was cleaning my face, he said, " That is just like the star that Black Beauty had. "

He went on talking to himself.
" He was much the same height too, I wonder where he is now ? "

Then he noticed my white foot and began to look me over more carefully.

" White star on the forehead, one white foot on the off-side. "

Then looking at my back.
" And there is that little patch of white that we called 'Beauty's threepenny bit ' "

It must be Black Beauty !
Why, Beauty ! Beauty ! do you remember meーlittle Joe Green ?

And he began patting and patting me as if he was quite overjoyed.

(Famer Thoroughgood and his grandson 3/4)

Black Beauty (33 完) [Black Beauty]

That afternoon, after I had taken the ladies for a safe gentle drive, I heard Joe telling them that he was sure I was Squire Gordon's old Black Beauty.

They were already pleased with me, so they decided to keep me and call me by my old name of " Black Beauty ".

I have now lived in this happy place a whole year.

Joe is the best and kindest of grooms and my work is easy and pleasant.

My ladies have promised that I shall never be sold, and so I have nothing to fear; and here my story ends.

My troubles are all over, and I am at home.
Often before I am quite awake, I fancy I am still in the orchard at Birtwick standing with my old friends under the apple trees.

(33/33 完)
(Famer Thoroughgood and his grandson 4/4)

Black Beauty に幸あれ。

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