Henny Penny ブログトップ

Henny Penny (1) [Henny Penny]

Henny Penny (1)

One fine day Henny Penny was picking up corn in the countryyard when ーwhackー something but an acorn suddenly fell off a tree and hit  Henny Penny right on the
top of her head.

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"Oh, my ! " cried Henny Penny.
" The sky is falling !  I must go and tell the king ! "

So Henny Penny tied a nice scarf around her head and set off down the road to tell the king the sky was falling.


Henny Penny (2) [Henny Penny]

Henny Penny (2)

On her way she passed the house of Cocky Locky, who was working hard to build a new porch.

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" Henny Penny, where are you going ? " he asked.

" Oh, Cocky Locky, it's an emegency, the sky is falling, and I am going to tell the king ! " said Henny penny.

" How do you know it is falling ? " asked the friendly Cocky Locky.

" I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, " said Henny Penny.
" And a peice of it fell on my head ! " 

" Then I will go with you to tell the king, " said Cocky Locky.

" Certainly, come with me. " said Henny penny.

So they went along together.


Henny Penny (3) [Henny Penny]

Henny Penny (3)

They went along together.

Henny Penny and Cocky Locky soon came across Ducky Lucky, who was enjoying a morning swim.

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" Good morning, Henny Penny and Cocky Locky, " said Ducky Lucky.
" Where are you going ?"

" oh, we are going to tell the king that the sky is falling," said  Cocky Locky.

" How do you know the sky is falling ? " asked Ducky Lucky.

" Henny Penny told me, " said Cocky Locky.

" I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, " said the Henny Penny.
" And a piece of it fell on my head ! "

" Then I will go with both of you to tell the king, " said Ducky Lucky.

Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, and Ducky Lucky went along until they met  Goosy Loosey at the msrket.

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" Good morning, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, and Ducky Lucky, " said Goosey Losey.
" Where are you going ? "

" The sky is falling, and we are going to tell the king." said Ducky Lucky.

" How do you know the sky is falling ? " asked Goosey Loosey.



Henny Penny (4) [Henny Penny]

Henny Penny (4)

" Cocky Locky told me, " said Ducky LUcky.

" Henny Penny told me, " said Cocky Locky.

" I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, " said the Henny Penny.
" And a piece of it fell on my head ! "

" Then I will go with all of you to tell the king, " said Goosey Loosey.

Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, and Goosey Loosey all went along, they all went along until they met Turkey Lurkey as she was walking through her garden gate.

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" good morning,
Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, and Goosey Loosey, " said the Turkey Lurkey.
" Where are you going ? "

" The sky is falling, and we are going to tell the king, " said Goosey loosey.


Henny Penny (5) [Henny Penny]

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Henny Penny (5)

" How do you know the sky is falling ?" asked the Turkey Lurkey.

" Docky Lucky told me, " said Goosey Loosey.

" Cocky Locky told me, " said Ducky Lucky.

" Henny Penny told me, " said Cocky Locky.

" I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, " said the Henny Penny.
" And a piece of it fell on my head ! "

" Then I will go with all of you to tell the king, " said Turkey Lurkey.

They all went along until they met Foxy Loxy.

" Good morning, " said Foxy Loxy.
" Where are you going ? "

" The sky is falling, and we are going to tell the king, " said Turkey Lurkey.

" How do you know the sky is falling ? " asked clever Foxy Loxy.

" Gooey Loosey told me, " said Turkey Lurkey. 

" Docky Lucky tole me, " said Goosey Loosey.

" Cocky Locky told me, " said Ducky Lucky.

" Henny Penny told me, " said Cocky Locky.

" I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, " said the Henny Penny.
" And a piece of it fell on my head ! "

" Then come with me, " said Foxy Loxy.
" I will show you a shorter way to the king's palace.


Henny Penny (6) [Henny Penny]

Henny Penny (6)

They all followed Foxy Loxy, and soon tey came to the entrance of a dark cave.

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What they did not know was that this dark cave was really Foxy Loxy's home !

" Just follow me through here, " said Foxy Loxy, " and we will soon be at the kin's palace. "

Henny Penny, Cocky Kocky, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey all followed Foxy Loxy into the cave.


Henny Penny (7) [Henny Penny]

Henny Penny (7)

Henny penny was last in line, and she was frightened.

She started to run away.

Henny `Penny ran and ran as fast as her leg would carry her.

She ran back along the long road.

She ran across the narrow bridge.
And she ran down the steep hill.


Henny Penny quickly ran past TUrkey Lurkey's garden.

She ran past the market where Goosey Loosey had been buying some food.

She ran past Ducky Lucky's pond, and she ran past Cocky Locky's house.


Henny Penny (8 完) [Henny Penny]

Henny Penny (8 完)

Henny Penny ran and ran until, up ahead, she saw her cozy home !

She was last seen scratching happily for corn in her little yard.

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And the king never did hear from Henny Penny or anyone else that the sky was falling.

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Henny Penny ブログトップ
