The Wonderful Sheep ブログトップ
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The wonderful Sheep (31) [The Wonderful Sheep]

The wonderful Sheep (31)

At this the Princess could no longer contain herself ; throwing herself at the king's feet, she cried out :
" My dream has come true after all ー you have offered me water to wash my hands on my sister's wedding-day, and it has not vexed you to do it. "

The King recognised  her at once ー indeed, he had already thought several times how much like his poor little Miranda she was.

" oh !  my dear daughter, " he cried, kissing her, " can you ever forget my cruelty ?  I ordered you to be put to death because I thought your dream portended the loss of my crown. And so it did, " he added, " for now your sisters are both married and have kingdoms of their own ー and mine shall be for you. "

So saying he put his crown on the princess's head and cried :
" Long live Queen Miranda !

All the Court cried: " Long live Queen Miranda ! " after him, and the young Queen's two sisters came running up, and threw their arms round her neck, and kissed her a thousand times.


The wonderful Sheep (32) [The Wonderful Sheep]

The wonderful Sheep (32)

And then there was such a laughing and crying, talking and kissing, all at once, and Miranda thanked her father, and began to ask after everyone ー particularly the Captain of the Guard, to whom she owed so much ; but to her great sorrow, she heard that he was dead.

Presently they sat down to the banquet, and the king asked Miranda to tell them all that had happened to her since the terrible morning when he had sent the Captain of the Guard to fetch her.

This she did with so much spirit that all the guests listened with breathless interest.

But while she was thus enjoying herself with the King and her sisters, the King of the Sheep was waiting impatiently for the time of her return, and wen it came and went, and no Princess appeared, his anxiety became so great that he could bear it no longer.


The wonderful Sheep (33) [The Wonderful Sheep]

The wonderful Sheep (33)

" She is not coming back any more, " he cried.
" My miserable sheep's face displeasure her, and without Miranda what is left to me, wretched creature that I am ! Oh ! cruel Ragotte ; my punishment is complete. "

For a long time he bewailed his sad fate like this, and then, seeing that it was growing dark, and that still there was no sign of the Princess, he set out as fast as he could in the direction of the town.

when he reached the palace he asked for Miranda, but by this time everyone had heard the story of her adventures, and did not want her to go back again to the King of the Sheep, so they refused sternly to let him see her.


The wonderful Sheep (34) [The Wonderful Sheep]

The wonderful Sheep (34)

In vain he begged and prayed them to let him in ; though his entreaties might have melted hearts of stone they did not move the guards of palace, and at last, quite broken-hearted, he fell dead at their feet.

In the meantime the King, who had not the least idea of the sad thing that was happening outside the gate of his palace, proposed to Miranda that she should be driven in her chariot all round the town, which was to be illuminated with thousands and thousands of torches, placed in windows and balconies, and in all the grand squares.

But what a sight met her eyes at the very entrance of the Palace !

There lay her dear, kind Sheep, silent and motionless, upon the pavement !



The wonderful Sheep (35 完) [The Wonderful Sheep]

The wonderful Sheep (35 完)


She threw herself out of the chariot and ran to him, crying bitterly, for she realised that her broken promise had cost him his life, and for a long, long time she was so unhappy that they thought she would have died too.

So you see that even a princess is not a always happy ー especially if she forgets to keep her word ; and the greatest misfortunes often happen to people just as they think they have obtained their heart's desires !

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