The Voyages of Sindbad ブログトップ
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The Voyages of Sindbad (1) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (1)

  In the time of Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid there lived in Bagdad a poor porter named Hindbad, who on a very hot day was sent to carry a heavy load from one end of city to the other.

  Before he had accomplished half the distance he was so tired that, finding himself in a quiet street where the pavement was sprinkled with rose-water, and a cool breeze was blowing, he set his burden upon the ground, and sat down to rest in the shade of grand house.

  Very soon he decided that he could not have chosen a pleasant place ; a most delicious perfume came from the open windows and mingled with the scent of rose-water which streamed up from the hot pavement.

  Within the palace he heard some music, as of many instruments cunningly played, and the melodious warble of nightingales and other birds, and by this, and the appetising smell of many dainty dishes of which he presently became aware, he judged that feasting and merry-making were going on.

少し長いのですが、シンドバッドの冒険物語(Alabian Night) です。
Sindbad はSinbad という話もあるのですが、ここではSindbadで。

The Voyages of Sindbad (2) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (2)

  He wondered who lived in this magnificent house which he had never seen before, the street in which it stood being one which he soldom had occasion to pass.

  To satisfy his curiousity he went up to some splendidly dressed servants who stood at the door, and asked one of them the name of the master of the mansion.

  " What, " replied he, " do you live in Bagdad and not know that here lives the noble Sindbad the Sailor, that famous traveller who sailed over every sea upon which the sun shines ? "

  The porter, who had often heard people speak of the immense wealth of Shindbad, could not help feeling envious of one whose lot seemed to be as happy as his own was miserable.

  Casting his eyes up to the sky he exclaimed aloud : " Consider, O Might Creator of all things, the difference between Sindbad's life and mine. every day I suffer a thousand hardships and misfortunes, and have hard work to get even enough bad barley bread to keep myself and my family alive, while the lucky shindbad spends money right and left and lives upon the fat of the land ! What has he done that you should give him this pleasant life ー and what have I done to deserve so hard a fate ? "


The Voyages of Sindbad (3) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Shindbad (3)

  So saying he stamped upon the ground like one beside himself with misery and despair.

  Just at this moment a servant came out of the palace, and taking him by the arm said, " Come with me. The noble Shindbad, my master, wishes to speak to you. "

  Hindbad was not a little surprised at this summons, and feared that his carelessly spoken words might have drawn upon him the displeasure of Shidbad, so he tried to excuse himself with the excuse that he could not leave the burden which had been entrusted to him in the street.

  However, the servant promised him that it would be taken care of, and urged him to obey the call so pressingly that at last the porter was obliged to yield.


The Voyages of Sindbad (4) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (4)

  He followed the servant into a vast room, where a great company was seated round a table covered with all sorts of delicacies.

  In the place of honour sat a tall, grave man whose long white beard gave him a venerable air.
  Behind his chair stood a crowd of attendants eager to minister to his every need.

  This was the famous sindbad himself.

  The porter, more than ever alarmed at the sight of so much magnificence, tremblingly saluted the noble company.

  Sindbad, making a sign to him to approach, caused him to to seated at his right hand, and himself heaped choice morsels upon his plate, and poured out for him a draught of excellent wine, and presently, when the banquet drew to a close, spoke to him familiarly, asking his name and occupation.

  " My lord, " replied the porter, " I am called Hindbad. "

(7)から First Voyage 実際の旅に移ります。

The Voyages of Sindbad (5) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (5)

  " I am glad to see you here, " continued Sindbad.
  " And I will answer for the rest of the company that they are equally pleased, but I wish you to tell me what it was you said just now in the street. "

  For Sindbad, passying by the open window before the feast began, had heard his complaint and therefore had sent for him.

  At this question Hindbad was covered with confusion and, hanging down his head, replied, " My lord, I confess that, I uttered indiscreet words, which I pray you to pardon me. "

  " Oh ! " replied Sindbad, " please do not imagine that I am so unjust as to blame you. On the country, I understand your situation and can pity you. However, you appear to be mistaken about me, and i wish to set you right. You doubtless imagine that I have acquired all the wealth and luxury that you see me enjoy without difficulty or danger, but this is far indeed from being the case. I have only reached this happy state after having for years suffered every possible kind of toil and danger. "


The Voyages of Sindbad (6) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Vogaes of sindbad (6)

  " Yes, my noble friends, " he continued, addressing the company, " I assure you that my adventures have been strange enough to deter evene the most avaricious men from seeking wealth by crossing the seas. 
  Since you have, perhaps, only heard confused accounts of my voyages, and the dangers and wonders that I have met with by sea and by land, I will now give you a true account of some of them, which I think you will be pleased to hear. "

  As Sindbad was relating his adventures chiefly on account of the porter, he ordered, before beginning his tale, that the burden which had been left in the street should be carried by some of his own servants to the palce for which Hindbad had set out at first, while he remained to listen to the story.

次回、First Voyage 始まります。 

The Voyages of Sindbad (7) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Shindbad (7)

  First Voyage

  I had inherited considerable wealth from my parents, and being young and foolish I at first squandered it recklessly on every kind of pleasure, but presently, finding that reches speedly take wings if managed as badly as I was managing mine.

  And I was remembering also that to be old and poor is misery indeed, I began to consider how I could make the best of what still remained to me.

  So I sold all my household goods by public auction, and joined a company of merchants who traded by sea, embarking with them at Balsora in a ship which we had fitted out between us.

  We set sailed and took our course towards the East Indies by the Persian Gulf, having the coast of Persia upon our left hand and upon our right the shores of Arabia Felix.


The Voyages of Sindbad (8) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Shidbad (8) First Voyage

  I was at first much troubled by the uneasy motion of the vessel, but speedly recovered my health, and since that hour have been no more plagued by sea-sickness.

  From time to time we landed at various islands, where we sold or exchanged our merchandise, and one day, when the wind dropped suddenly, we found ourselves becalmed close to a small island like a green meadow, which only rose slightly above the surface of the water.

  Our sails were furled, and the Captain gave permission to all who wished to land for a while and amuse themselves.

  I was among the number, but when after strolling about for some time we lit a fire and sat down to enjoy the meal which we had brought with us, we were startled by a sudden and violent trembling of the island.


The Voyages of Shidbad (9) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (9) First Voyage

  While at the samemomnet, those left upon the ship set up an outcry bidding us come on board for our lives, since what we had taken for an island was nothing but the back of a sleeping whale.

  Those who were nearest to the boat threw themselves into it, otheres sprang into the sea, but before I could save myself the whale plunged suddenly into the depths of the ocean, leaving me clinging to a piece of the wood which we had brough to make our fire.

  Meanwhile a breeze had sprung up, and in the confusion that ensued on board our vessel in hoisting the sails and taking up those who were left in the boat and clinging to its sides, no-one missed me and I was left at the mercy of the waves.


The Voyages of Shidbad (10) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (10) First Voyage

  All that day I floated up and down, now beaten this way, now that, and when night fell I despaired for my life ; but, weary as I was, I clung to my frail support, and great was my joy when the mornig light showed me that I had drifted against an island.

  The cliffs were very high and steep, but luckly for me some tree roots protruded in places, and by their aid I climbed up at last, and stretched myself upon the turf at the top, where I lay, more dead than alive, till the sun was high in the heavens.

  By that time I was extreamly hungry, but after some searching I came upon some edible herbs and spring of clear water, and much refreshed I set out to explore the island.


The Voyages of Sindbad (11) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (11)  First Voyage

  Presently I reached a great plain where grazing horse was tethered, and as I stood looking at it I heard voices talking apparently underground, and in a moment a man appeared who asked me how I came upon the island.

  I told him my adventures, and heard in return that he was one of the grooms of Mihrage, King of the island, and that each year they came to feed their master's horses in this plain.

  He took me to a cave where all his companions were assembled, and when I had eaten the food they set before me, they told me to think myself fortunate to have come upon them when I did, since they were going back to their master the next day, and without their aid I could certainly never have found my way to the inhabited part of the island.


The Voyages of Sindbad (12) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (12)
  Early the next morning we set out, and when we reached the capital I was graceiously received by the King, to whom I related my adventures, and he ordered that I should be well cared for and provided with such things as I needed.

  Being a merchant I sought out men of my own profession, and particularly those who came from foreign countries, as I hoped in this way to hear news from Bagdad, and find out some means of returning there, for the capital was situated upon the seashore, and visited by vessels from all parts of the world.


The Voyages of Sindbad (13) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of sindbad (13)   First Voyage

  One day after my return, as I went down to the quay, I saw a ship which had just cast anchor and was discharging her cargo.

  Drawing nearer I presently noticed that my own name was marked on some of the packages and,after having carefully examined them, I felt sure that they were indeed those which I had put on board our ship at Balsora.

  I then recognised the Captain of the vessel, but as I was certain that he believed me to be dead, I went to him and asked who owned the packages that I was looking at.

  " There was on board my ship, " he replied,  " a merchant of Bagdad named Sindbad. One day he and several of my other passengers landed upon what we supposed to be an island, but which was really an enormous whale floating asleep upon the waves. No sooner did it feel upon its back the feat of the fire which had been kindled, than it plunged into the depths of the sea.
Several of the people who were upon it perished in the waters, and among others this unlucky Sindbad. This merchandise is his, but I have resolved no dispose of it for the benefit of his family if I shuoud ever chance to meet with them. ''


The Voyages of sindbad (14) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (14)  First Voyage

  " Captain, " said I, " I am that Sindbad whom you believe to be dead, and these are my posessions ! "

  When the Captain heard these words he exclaimed, " What is the world coming to ? In these days there is not an honest man to be met with. Did I not with my own eyes see Sindbad drown, and now you have the audacity to tell me that you are he ! I should have taken you to be a just man, and yet for the sake of obtaining that which does not belong to you, you are ready to invent this horrible falsehood. "

  " Have patience, " and do me the favour to hear my story, " said I.

  " Speak then, " replied the Captain, " I'm all attention. "
  So I told him of my escape and of my fortunate meeting with King's grooms, and how kindly I had been received at the palace.
  Very soon I began to see that I had made some impression upon him, and after the arrival of some of other merchants, who showed great joy at once more seeing me alive and well, he declared that he also recognised me.


The Voyages of Sindbad (15) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (14)  First Voyage

  Throwing himself upon my neck, he said, " Heaven be praised that you have escaped from so great a danger. As to your goods, take them and dispose of them as you please. "

  I thanked him, and praised his honesty, begging him to accept several bales of merchandise in token of my gratitude, but he would take nothing.

  Of the choicest of my goods I prepared a present for KIng Mihrage, who was at first amazed, having known that I had lost my all.

  However, when I had explained to him how my bales had been miraculously restored to me, he graciously accepted my gifts, and in return gave me many valuable things.

  I traded so successfully upon our homeward voyage that I arrived in Balsora with about one hundred thousand sequins.


The Voyages of Sindbad (16) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (16)  First Voyage

  My family received me with as much joy as I felt upon seeing them once more.
  I bought land and built a great house in which I resolved to live happily, and in the enjoyment of all pleasures of life to forget my past sufferings.

  Here Sindbad paused and commanded the musicians to play again, while the feasting continued until evening.

  When the time came for the porter to depart, Sindbad gave him a silk purse containing one hundred sequins, saying, " Take this, Hindbad, and go home, but tomorrow come again and you shall hear more of my adventures. "

  The porter retired quite overcome by so much generousity, and you may imagine that he was well received at home, where his wife and children thanked their lucky stars that he had found such a benefactor.

  The next day Hindbad, dressed in his best, returned to the voyager's house, and was received with open arms.

  As soon as   all the guests had arrived tha banquet began as before, and when they had feasted long and merrily, Sindbad addressed them thus :
" My friends, I beg that you will listen while I relate the adventures of my second voyage, which you will find even more astonishing than the first. "

次回(99%明日)より、Second Voyage となります。

The Voyages of Sindbad (17) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (17)  Second Voyage

  I had resolved, sa you know, on my return from my first voyage, to spend the rest of my days quietly in Bagdad, but very soon I grew tired of such an idle life and longed once more to find myself upon the sea.

  I therefore embarked for the second time in a good ship with other merchants whom I knew to be honourable men.

  We went from island to island, often making ezcellent bargains, until one day we landed at a spot which, though covered with fruit trees and abounding in sptings of excellent water, appeared to be uninhabited.

  While my companions wandered  here and there gathering flowers and fruit, I sat down in a shady place and, having heartily enjoyed the provisions and the wine I had brought with me, I fell asleep, lulled by the murmur of a clear brook which flowed close by.


The Voyages of Sindbad (18) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Vpyages of Sindbad (18)

  How long I slept I knew not, but when I opened my eyes and started to my feet I perceived with horror that I was alone and that ship was gone.

  I rushed to and fro like one distracted, uttering cries of despair, and when from the shore I saw the vessel under full sail just disappearing upon the horizon, I wished bitterly enough that I had been content to stay at home in safety.

  But I presently took courage and looked about for a means of escape.

  When I had climbed a tall tree I first of all directed my anxious glances towards the sea ; but, finding nothing hopeful there, I turned landward, and my curiousty was excited by a huge dazzling white object, so far off that Icould not make out what it might be.


The Voyages of Sindbad (19) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (19)  Second Voyage

  Desending from the tree I hastily collected what remained of my provisions and set off as fast as I could go towards it.

  As I drew near it seemed to me to be a white ball of immence size and height, and when I could touch it, I found it marvellously smooth and soft.

  As it was ipossible to climb it ー for it presented no foothold ー I walked round it seeking some opening, but there was none. I counted, however, that it was at least fifty paces round.

  By this time the sun was near setting, but suddenly it fell dark, something like a huge black cloud came over me, and I saw with amazement that it was a bird of extraordinary size which was hovering near.

  Then I remembered that I had often heard the sailors speak of a wonderful bird called a roc, and it occurred to me that the white object which had so puzzled me must be its egg.


The Voyages of Sindbad (20) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (20)

  Taking off my turban I bound myself securely to the huge claw with the linen in the hope that the roc, when it took flight next morning, would bear me away with it from the desolate island.

  As soon as dawn appeared the bird rose into the air carrying me up till I could no longer see the earth, and then suddenly it descended so swiftly that I almost lost consciousness.

  When I became aware that the roc had settled and that I was once again upon solid ground, I hastily unbound my turban from its foot and freed myself, and that not a moment too soon ; for the bird, pouncing upon a huge snake, killed it with a few blows from its powerful beak, and seizing it up rose into the air once more and soon disappeared from my view.


The Voyages of Sindbad (21) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (21)  Second Voyage

  When I had looked about me I began to doubt if I had gained anything by quitting the desolate island.

  The valley in which I foun myself was deep and narrow, and surrounded bymountains which towered into the clouds and were so steep and rocky that there was no way of climbing up their sides.

  As I wandered about, seeking anxiously for some means of escaping fro this trap, I observed that the ground was strewn with diamonds, some of them of an astonishing size.

  This sight gave me great pleasure, but my delight was speedly dampened when I saw also numbers of horrible snakes so long and so large that the smallest of them could have swallowed an elephant with ease.


The Voyages of Sindbad (22) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (22)

  Fortunately for me they seemed to hide in caverns of the rocks by day, and only came out by night, probably because of their enemy the roc.

  All day long I wandered up and down the valley, and when it grew dusk I crept into a little cave.

  Having blocked up the entrance to it with a stone, I ate part of my little store of food and lay down to sleep, but all through the night the serpents crawled to and fro, hissing horribly, so that I could scarcely close my eyes for terror.

  I was thankful when the morning light appeared, and when I judged by the silence that the sepents had retreated to their dens I came tremblingly out of my cave and wandered up and down the valley once more, kicking the diamonds contemptuously out of my path, for I felt that they were indeed vain things to a man in my situation.


The Voyages of Sindbad (23) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (23)

  At last, overcome with weariness, I sat down on a rock, but I had hardly closed my eyes when I was startled by something which fell to the ground with a thud close beside me.

  It was a huge piece of fresh meat, and as I stared at it several more pieces rolled over the cliffs in different places.

  I had always thought that the stories the sailor told of the famous valley of siamonds, and of the cunning way which some merchants had deviced for getting at the precious stones, were mere traveller's tales, but now I saw that they were surely true.

  These merchants came to the valley at the time when the eagles, which keep their eyries in the rocks, had hatched their young.

  The merchants then threw great lumps of meat into the valley.

  Thesem falling with so much force upon the diamonds, were sure to take up some of the precious stones with them when the eagles pounced upon the meat and carried it off to their nests to feed their broods.

  Then the merchants, scaring away the parent birds, would secure their treasures.


The Voyages of Sindbad (24) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (24)

  Until this moment I had looked upon the valley as my grave, but now I took courage  and began to devise a means of escape.

  I began by picking up the largest diamonds I could find and storing them in my leather wallet ; this I tied securely to my belt.

  I then chose the piece of meat which seemed most suited to my purpose, and with the aid of my turban bound it firmly to my back ; this done I lay down upon my face and awaited the coming of the eagles.

  I soon heard the flapping of thier mighty wings above me, and felt one of them seize upon my piece of meat, and me with it, and rise slowly towards his nest, into which he presently dropped me.

  Luckily for me the merchants were on the watch, and setting up their usual outsries they rushed to the nest scarint away the eagle.


The Voyages of Sindbad (25) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (25)

  Their amazement was great when they discovered me, and also their disapointment, and they fell to abusing me for having robbed them of their usual profit.

  Addressing myself to the one who seemed most aggrieved,   I said : " I am sure, if you knew all I have suffered, you would show more kindness towards me, and as for diamonds, I have enough here of the very best for you and me and all your company. "

  So saying I showed them to him.

  The others all crowded round me, wandering at my adventures and admiring the trick by which I had escaped from the valley, and when they had led me to their camp and examined my diamonds, they assured me that in all the years that they had carried on their trade they had seen no stones to be compared with them for size and beauty.


The Voyages of Sindbad (26) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of SIndbad (26)

  I found that each merchant chose a nest, and took his chance of what he might find in it.

  So I begged the one who owned the nest to which I had been carried to take as much as he would of my treasure, but he contented himself with one stone, and that by no means the largest, assuring me that with such a gem his fortune was made, and he need toil no more.

  I stayed with the merchants for several days, and then as they were journeying homewards I gladly accompanied them.

  Our way lay across high mountains infested with frightful serpents, but we had the good luck to escape them and came at last to the seashore.

次回Second Voyage の最終で、次々回から Third Voyage です。

The Voyages of Sindbad (27) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (27)

  We set sail and at last reached Balsora, from where I hastened to Bagdad, where my first action was to bestow large sums of money upon the poor, after which I settled down to enjoy tranquilly the riches I had gained with so much toil and pain.

  Having thus related the adventures of his second voyage, Sindbad again bestowed a hundred sequins upon Hindbad, inviting him to come on the following day and hear how he fared upon his third voyage.

  The other guests also departed to their homes, but all returned at the same hour next day including the porter, whose former life of hard work and poverty had already begun to seem to him like a bad dream.

  Again after the feast was over did Sindbad claim the attention of his guests and began the account of his  third of his voyage.

次回より、Third Voyage です。

The Voyages of Sindbad (28) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (28)  

   Third Voyage

  After a very short time the pleasant easy life I led made me quite forget the perils of my two voyages.

  Moreover, as I was still in the prime of life, it pleased me better to be up and doing.

  So once more providing myself with the rarest and choicest merchsndise of Bagdad, I conveyed it to Balsora, and set sail with other merchants I knew for distant lands.

  We had touched at many ports and mede much profit, when one day upon the open sea we were caught by a terrible eind  which blew us completely out of our reckoning, and lasting for several days finally drove us into harbour on a strange island.


The Voyages of Sindbad (29) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (29)  Third Voyage

  " I would rather have come to anchorany where than here, " said our Captain.

  " This island and those adjoining it are inhabited by hairy saveges, who are certain to attack us, and we dare not resist these dwarfs, since they swarm like locusts, and if one of them is killed the rest will fall upon us, and speedly make an end of us. "

  These words caused great consternation among all the ship's company, and only too soon we were find out that the Captain spoke truly.

  There appeared a vast multitude of hideous saveges, covered with reddish fur.
  Throwing themselves into the waves, they surrounded our vessel.

  Chattering meanwhile in a language we could not understand, and clutching at ropes and gangways, they swarmed up the ship's side with such speed and agility that they almost seemed to fly.


The Voyages of Sindbad (30) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (30)

  You may imagine the rage and terror that seized us as we watched them, neither daring to hinder them nor able to speak a word to deter them from their purpose, whatever it might be.

  Of this we were not left long in doubt.

  Hoisting the sails, and cutting the cable of the anchor, they sailed our vessel to an island which lay a little further off, where they drove us ashore ; then they made off to the place from which they ahd come, leaving us helpless upon a shore avoided with horror by all mariners for a rreason which you will soon learn.


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