
The Wishing chair (12) [The Wishing chair]

The Wishing chair (12)

Chanky the pixie was there, sitting on the floor, weeping.

When he saw the chair coming in, with the two children sitting in it, he was so astonished that he couldn't even get up off the the floor !

" Quick ! " cried Mollie.
"Come into this chair, Chinky. We'll help you to escape ! "

" Who's talking in there ? " boomed the giant's enormous voice, and the children heard the bolts being undone and the key turned to unlock the door ! "

" Quick, q
uick, Chinky ! " shouted Peter, and he dragged the amazed pixie to the magic chair.

They all three sat in it, huddled together, and Peter shouted, " Take us home ! "

The door flew open and the giant rushed in just as the chair sailed out of the window.

He ran to the window and made a grab at the chair.

His big hand knocked against a leg, and the chair shook violently.

Chanky nearly fell off, but Peter grabbed him and pulled him back safely.

Then they sailed high up into the air, far out of reach of angry giant !


(続く 12/15)

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