
One-Inch Fellow 一寸法師 (完) [One-Inch Fellow 一寸法師]

One-Inch Fellow 一寸法師 (完)

As she repeated this the third time, the Princess smiled at One-Inch Fellow.

She lifted the hammer into the air ane let it fall to the ground again with a heavy thud.

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The beautiful Princess now went to her little travelling box which an attendant had thrown down before he ran away.

From it she took a round mirror, which she held toward One-Inch Fellow.

Looking into the mirror, he saw that he was tall !

The Princess lifted the mirror higher and higher so that he could see himself all the way from the tips of his feet to his manly face.
He was not merely tallーhe was magnificent, a full six feet.

With joy in their hearts, the Princess and the tall youth returned to her father's mansion.

For saving the life of his precious daughter, the lord promoted the lad to a high rank, while the cowardly attendats who had fled at the sight of the monstor resigned from their positions in great shame.

News of the brave youth who had saved the life of the Princess became gossip in every corner of the court.

Finally the heroic story reched the gacious ears of the Emperor, and the youth was immediately summoned before him.

The Emperor bestowed a high title on One-Inch Fellow nd not long after gave him an honourable position.

Before three full moons passed, the youth dressed in his full court regalia and went to see his honoured parents.

Behind him on the journey followed his attendannts and two palanquins which were to carry his parents back to the beautiful home which the youth had had built for himself in Kyoto.

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The old couple were made very happy, sharing the honours of their son.

But they were happy, above all, because the youth was no longer as tiny as a thumb.

Their old feet were never too weary to take them to the temple, to offer their prayers of gratitude.

(9/9 完)

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