
Ali Baba and the Forty Theives (2) [Ali Baba]

Ali Baba and the Forty Theives (2)

Then the reader approached the rock and cried,

" Open, Sesame ! "

To Ali Baba's astonishment, a door opened in the rock face.

The men disappeared into the cave and the door closed behind him.

Ali Baba stayed in his tree, not daring to climb down right away.

While he was thinking what to do next, the door opened again.
The men came out and the leader commanded the door,
" Close, Sesame ! "

It rumbled shut.
Then the men mounted their horse again and and rode off.

When they were far away, ali Baba climbed down from the tree, stood in front of the rock and, after hesigtating for a time, he also cried,
" Open Sesame ! "

Once again the rock face opened and Ali Baba walked into a most amazing cave.


nice!(2)  コメント(1)  トラックバック(0) 

nice! 2

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Ali Baba atayed in his treeは、stayed in his treeのタイプミスです。では、失礼します。今晩訂正見込みです。
by 足立sunny (2012-07-27 07:39) 



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Beauty and the Beast..Ali Baba and the For.. ブログトップ
