
The Firebird (13) [The firebird]

The Firebird (13)

Then Ivan left Helen-the- beautiful in a meadow while he went to meet the king.

Dormat was overcome with joy to see Ivan on the fine horse.

He welcomed him gladl, then gave Ivan the firebird in its golden cage.

The young prince left the city to rejoin Helen-the-beautiful.

They both climbed on to the real horse with the golden mane and took the road to Tsar Vislav's kingdom.

A little further on Prince Ivan thought, " Where is my good grey wolf ? "

Once again the wolf caught up with them and invited Prince Ivan to climb on his back.

When they arrived at the spot the wolf had killed the prince's horse, the faithful beast stopped and looked at the young man.

" I have been your loyal servant, Prince Ivan, " he said.
" It was here where I killed your horse, and it is here where I must leave you. Go now where you have to go, I will not serve you any longer. "

The grey wolf disappeared and Ivan wept for a while because he was very sad to lose his dear friend.

Then Ivan and Helen-the-beautiful continued their journey.


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