The firebird ブログトップ

The Firebird (1) [The firebird]

The Firebird (1)

Far away from here, beyond three times nine countries in a three times ten kingdom, lived a tsar called Vislav.

The Tsar had three sons: the first one was called Vassili, the second one Dimitri and third one Ivan.

The Tsar's palace was surrounded by such abeautiful garden that no one in the world had ever seen one like it.

In this garden grew all kinds of rare trees:trees with flowers and trees full of fruit

The Tsar's favorite tree was an apple tree which grew golden apples.

At night, a marvelous bird always appeared the garden.

It was the firebird with golden feathers and diamond eyes.

It would perch on the favorite tree, pick at the apples and fly away.

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Tsar Vislav was distressed  to see his wonderful golden apples disappearing day after day.

He called his sons and said,
" My dear children, which one of you will catch the firebird ? The one who catchs it will receive half of my kingdom. "

The princes cried, " Dear father !  It will be our pleasure to try to catch the firebird ! "

Tsar 皇帝 君主 

The Firebird (2) [The firebird]

The Firebird (2)

The first night, Prince Vassili went into the garden to watch for the bird.

He sat down under the golden apple tree, but it wasn't long before he fell asleep.

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He did not hear the firebird come, and it ate a great many apples while he slept.

The next morning, Vaslav called Prince Vassili, asking, " Well, my son, did you see the firebird ? "

The Prince answered, " No, my most royal father. It did not come last night."

The following night Prince Dimitri went to watch for the bird.

He made himself comfortable under the golden apple tree as his brother had done.

He stayed up one hour, two hours, then he fell into a sleep so deep that he did not hear a bird arrive either.

The next morning the Tsar called Prince Dimitri, asking, " Well, my son, did you seen the firebird ? "

" No, my most loved, royal father, it did not come, " replied Dimitri.


THe Firebird (3) [The firebird]

The Firebird (3)

The third night Prince Ivan kept watch in the garden.

He sat down under the apple tree and waited.

One hour went by, then two, then three.

Suddenly the whole garden began to glow: the firebird had arrived.

It perched on the apple tree and started to peck at the apple.

Ivan approached it so quitely that he was able to grab  the bird's tail.

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However. he could not catch the maevelous bird; it slipped out of his hands and flew away.

Only one single feather remained in his fingers.

The next morning, as soon as the Tsar woke up, Prince Ivan went to his father and gave hom the feather.

It shone with such fire that it could have lit up a dark hall as well as a thousand candles.


The Firebird (4) [The firebird]

The Firebird (4)

Vislav was satisfied that Ivan had taken at least a feather from the beautiful bird and it was kept under the guard in his palace.

However, from then on, the bird never returned to the garden.

One day the Tsar called his sons again and said, " My dear children, I gave you my blessing. Set off to find the firebird. The one who brings it back alive will receive half of my kingdom now, and inherit the other half after my death. "

Prince Vassili and Dimitri had been jealous of their younger brother ever since he had seized the marvelous feather.

They left together, refusing to take Ivan with them.

He was all set to go by himself to search for the firebird, but his father said to him, " My dear son, you are young and not used to long and difficult journeys. Why don't you stay with me ? I feel I am getting old. What if I died while all three of you were away ? Who would reign in my place ? "

Although the Tsar was very anxious to keep his youngest son at home, in the end he had to let him go.

Ivan asked his father for his blessing, chose a horse and set off on his quest.

He rode for a long time, a very long time.


The Firebird (5) [The firebird]

The Firebird (5)

At last, one day he arrived at a huge grassland.

There was a stone on which a strange message.

It read:
The one who continues straight shead will be hungry and cold;
the one who turnes right will stay sane and safe, but horse will be killed; the one who turns left will be killed, but his horse will stay alive.

Ivan turns right.
" As long as I stay sane and safe. I can easily replace my horse, " he thought.

He rode for a whole day and then the following day.

On the third day, he he met a large grey wolf.

The beast said, "You have made it as far as here, Price Ivan ! However, you read on the stone that your horse must die; this time has come. "

Having said this, the wolf killed and ate the horse, then he disappeared.

Ivan was very upset at the loss of his horse.

He wept for a while, then continued his journey on foot.
He walked the whole day and then, overcome with fatigue, he sat down to rest.


The Firebird (6) [The firebird]

The Firebird (6)

The wolf joined him again and said, " I feel sorry, Prince Ivan. I'm sorry I ate your good horse and you are forced to walk. Come, climb on my back and I will take you where you wish. "

Ivan explained to the wolf the purpose of his journey.

Then the wolf began to ran, faster than any horse.

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After some time, in the dark night, he stopped in front of a huge stone wall.

" Go on, Prince Ivan, " the wolf said.
" Climb up the wall. On the other side there is a garden where you will see the firebird. Take the bird, but don't touch the cage, or misfortune will befall you. "

Ivan climbed the wall, delighted at the wolf's words. He took the firebird out of its cage, but then said to himself:  " Why should I take the bird without its cage ?  How am I supposed to carry it ? "

So he seized the cage, but at the same time a loud alarm echoed through the garden.

Immediately the guards woke up, caught Ivan and took him to the king, who was called Dolmat.


The Firebird (7) [The firebird]

The Firebird (7)

He was furious and shouted, " Aren't you ashamed of coming here to steal from me ? Who is your father and what is your name ? "

The Prince answered, " I am the son of Tsar Vislav and my name is Ivan. Your firebird used to come to our garden every night and snach golden apples from my father's favorite tree, strippping and damaging it.
The Tsar sent me to search for the bird. I have promised I would take it to him. "

" Tell me, young prince, do you think you have acted honestly ? " said Dolmat.
" If you had come and asked me, I would have given you a bird. Instead you try to steal  from me ! If I were to spread the word in all the kingdoms about your behavior, what would they think of you ? "

" Now, listen Ivan, if you carry out the task I set you, I will forgive you and give you the firebird to take to your father. You must go to a far away kingdom.
There you will find King Afron and take from him his horse with the golden mane. If you don't bring it back for me, I will tell everyone that you are a thief. "

Sadly, Prince Ivan left King Dolmat, promising to find and bring to him the horse with the golden mane.


The Firebird (8) [The firebird]

The Firebird (8)

Ivan went and found his friend the grey wolf and told him what the king had said.

" Ah ! Prince Ivan, " said the wolf, " Why didn't you listen to my advice ? if you had not touched the cage, none of this would have happened. "

" I have made a big mistake ! " admitted Ivan.

" Well, what is done is done ! " said the wolf.
" Climb on my back and I will take you where you have to go. "

Ivan climbed on to the grey wolf's back and it set off as fast as lightning.

After a long journey they arrived in King Afron's far-off kingdom.

The wolf stopped in front of the magnificent palace stables.

" Listen to me, Ivan, " he said.
" Go insideーthe guards are all asleep. Take the horse with the golden mane, but don't touch the golden reins that are hanging on the wall or misfortune will surely befall you. "


The Firebird (9) [The firebird]

The Firebirad (9)

Ivan slipped into the stable.

He was just about to leave with the horse with the golden mane when he saw the reins hanging on the wall.

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The temptation to take them was so strong that once again he disobeyed the wolf.

He took down the reins and immediately there was a deafening noise that woke up the guards.

They seized Ivan and brought him to king Afron who was very angry and asked,
" What country are you from ? Who is your father and what is your name ? "

" I am the son of Tsar Vislav and my name is Ivan, " replied the miserable youth.

" Young prince, " said King Afron.

" Does it suit a royal warrior to do what you have done ? If you had come to ask me, I would have been honored to give you the horse with the golden mane. Instead you steal from me ! If I were to spread the word in all the kingdoms about your behavior, what would they think of you ? "

" Now listen, Prince Ivan ! If you carry out the task I set you, I will forgive you and give you both the horse with the golden mane and the golden reins."


The Firebird (10) [The firebird]

The Firebird (10)

Ivan promised King Afron that he would bring him the princess.

Then he left the palace to rejoin the grey wolf.

" Ah ! Young prince ! " exclaimed the wolf.
" Why didn't you listen to me ? Why did you take the golden leins ? "

" I have made another big mistake, " said Ivan.

" Well, what is done is done ! " said the wolf.
" Climb on my back and I will take you where you have to go. "

Ivan climbed on his back and the wolf left at full speed.

After a long journey they arrived in the beautiful Princess Helen's Kingdom.

The wolf set Ivan down in front of golden gate of a magnificent garden.

Then he said, " Wait for me in the grassland under the big oak tree. "

Ivan did as he was told, while the wolf remained in front of the golden gate.

At sunset Princess Helen-the- beautiful. surrounded by her servants, went into the garden.

When she passed close by the grey wolf he jumped over the gate, seized her and ran back to Ivan.


The Firebird (11) [The firebird]

The Firebird (11)

The wolf told him to jump quickly on to his back behind Helen-the-beautiful and they set off at once in the direction of King Afron's palace.

During the journey, Prince Ivan and Princess Helen fell in love with each other.

When they arrived at the king's palace, Ivan burst into tears !

" Why are you crying ? " asked the wolf.

" Why shouldn't I cry, grey wolf, my dear friend ? I love Helen-the-beautiful, and now I have to give her to King Afron in exchange for the horse with the golden mane. "

" I have helped you through many difficulties and I will help you again, " said the wolf.

" I will change into the princess. You will take me to the King and receive the horse with the golden mane. When I know you are far enough away, think of me so I can turn back into a wolf and rejoin you. "

Having said this, the wolf took the form of the beautiful princess.


The Firebird (12) [The firebird]

The Firebird (12)

The King was beside himself with joy when Ivan brought him the wolf disguised as Princess Helen-the-beautiful.

Immediately he handed over the horse with the golden mane to the prince.

Then Ivan mounted this horse, took Helen-the-beautiful up before him and set off for King Dolmat's kingdom.

Ivan and Helen talked to each other as they rode, forgetting all about the rest of the world.

At last, Ivan thought, " Where is my good grey wolf ? "

Suddenly the wolf appeared before him and said, " Climb on my back, Prince Ivan, and leave the horse  with the golden mane to the princess. "

The prince obeyed and they continued their journey to King Dolmat's kingdom.

They stopped when they were three miles from the city.

" Listen grey wolf, would you do me a favour one more time ? " asked Ivan.
" It will be the last one. Would you disguise yourself as the horse with the golden mane for King Dolmat ?  I would so much like to keep him. "

The grey wolf at once did as he was asked.


The Firebird (13) [The firebird]

The Firebird (13)

Then Ivan left Helen-the- beautiful in a meadow while he went to meet the king.

Dormat was overcome with joy to see Ivan on the fine horse.

He welcomed him gladl, then gave Ivan the firebird in its golden cage.

The young prince left the city to rejoin Helen-the-beautiful.

They both climbed on to the real horse with the golden mane and took the road to Tsar Vislav's kingdom.

A little further on Prince Ivan thought, " Where is my good grey wolf ? "

Once again the wolf caught up with them and invited Prince Ivan to climb on his back.

When they arrived at the spot the wolf had killed the prince's horse, the faithful beast stopped and looked at the young man.

" I have been your loyal servant, Prince Ivan, " he said.
" It was here where I killed your horse, and it is here where I must leave you. Go now where you have to go, I will not serve you any longer. "

The grey wolf disappeared and Ivan wept for a while because he was very sad to lose his dear friend.

Then Ivan and Helen-the-beautiful continued their journey.


The Firebird (14) [The firebird]

The Firebird (14)

They were almost at Vislav's kingdom when they stopped for a rest.

They tied the horse under a tree, lay down on the soft grass and fell asleep.

The cage containing the firebird stood on the grass next to them.

Now, while Ivan had been having his many adventures, Prince Dimitri and Prince Vassili had been wandering around endless kingdoms without finding anything.

Now they were returning empty handed to their father.

By chance the two cruel princes passed by the place where Ivan and Princess Helen were asleep.

When they saw the marvelous horse and the magnificent firebird they were overcome with rage and jealous.


The Firebird (15) [The firebird]

The Firebird (15)

They attacked their brother, then woke up the beautiful princess, who was terrified.

Through her sobs, she cried, " I am known as Hele-the-beautiful. Prince Ivan brought me here.
If you had been honorable warriors, you would have offered him a fair fight.

But you have killed a man while he was sleeping.
That is as despicable as striking someone who is unarmed. "

Then Prince Dimitri threatened the princess with his sword.

" Listen, Helen-the-beautiful, " he said, " you are coming with us to our father, the Tsar Vislav. You will tell  him that we won you, together with the horse with the golden mane and the firebird.
If you don't tell him this, we will kill you. "

全20回の予定でしたThe Firebird は、18回で完了見込みです(途中の1回づつが長すぎた為)。

The Firebird (16) [The firebird]

The Firebird (16)

The two princes then drew straws to see which on of them would marry the princess.

Prince Vassili won.

He lifted her on to his horse, while Prince Dimitri took the golden cage and set off on the horse with the golden mane.

Prince Ivan, who had been left for dead by his wretched brothers, lay on the ground for thirty days.

As luck would have it, the grey wolf came by and when he recognized the young prince he vowed to save his life.

The wolf caught a crow and promised never to hurt it if it would fly to the scared well, far away.

The crow flew away and eventually came back after three days.

He carried with him a flask filled with magic water.

The grey wolf splinkled Ivan with the water.


The Firebird (17) [The firebird]

The Firebird (17)

At once the prince woke up and said, " Ah !  I have slept for such a long time ! "

" Without me you would have remained in an eternal sleep, " said the wolf.

" Your brothers have taken Princess Helen-the-beautiful, the horse with the golden mane and the firebird to your father.
Now, hurry home because your brother Vassili is going to marry the beautiful princess today.
Quickly climb on my back, I will take you there. "

Ivan climbed on the grey wolf's back and they arrived soon at Vassili's palace.


The Firebird (18 完) [The firebird]

The Firebird (18 完)

His brother Prince Vassili, who was about to marry Helen-the-beautiful, stood beside her.

When Ivan entered, the princess ran towards him, embraced him and cried, " This is the man I am to marry. It is Prince Ivan, not the scoundrel who is with me at this table ! "

Then Tsar Vislav stood up and questioned the princess who told him the true story.

Vislav was enraged and threw his two elder sos into a deep dungeon.

Prince Ivan married Princess Helen-the-beautiful that very day.

They lived in perfect harmony and never were  parted again.

(18/18 完)
メデタシ めでたし。

The firebird ブログトップ
