
Gone is gone (the story of a man who Wanted to Do Housework) (1) [Gone is gone]

Gone is gone (1)
 (the story of a man who Wanted to Do  Housework)

This man, his name was Fritzl - his wife, her name was Liesi.

They had a little baby, Kinndli by name, and Spitz who was a dog.

They had one cow, two goats, three pigs, and of geese they had a dozen.
That's what they had.

They lived on a patch of land, and that's where they worked.

Fritz had to plough the ground, sow the seeds and hoe the weeds.
He had to cut the hay and rake it too, and stack it up bunches in the sun.
The man worked hard, you see, from day to day.

Liesi had the house to clean, the soup to cook, the butter to churn, the barn yard and the baby to care for.
She, too, worked hard each day as you can plainly see. 

Wanda Hazel Gág(リンク) (1893–1946 作家&イラストレーター)さんの、1935年に書かれた作品です。 少し癖のある文体ですが、けっこう面白い物語かと思います。  

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