
The Voayages of Sindbad (42) [The Voyages of Sindbad]

The Voyages of Sindbad (42)

  As for him, believing me to be dead it was no wonder that he had not recognised me.

  " So, Captain, " said I, " the merchant who owned those bales was known as Sindbad ? "

  " Yes, " he answered.
  " He belonged to Bagdad, and joined my ship at Balsora, but by mischance he was left behind on a desert island where we had landed to fill up our water-casks, and it was not until four hours later that he was missed. By that time the wind had freshened, and it was impossible to put back for him. "

  " You suppose him to have perished then ? " said I.

  " Alas ! yes, " he answered.

  " Why ? Captain ! " I cried, " look well at me. I am that Sindbad who fell asleep upon the island and awoke to find himself abandoned ! "

  The Captain stared at me in amazement, but was eventually convinced that I was indeed speaking the truth, and rejoiced greatly at my escape.

  " I am glad to have that piece of carelessness off my conscience at any rate, " said he. 
  " Now take your goods, and the profit I have made for you upon them, and may you prosper in future. "

  I returned to Bagdad with so much money that Icould not count it, besides tresures without end.
  I gave largely to the poor, and bought much land to add to what I already possessed, and thus ended my third voyage.

  When Sindbad had finished his story he gave another bundred sequins to Hindbad, who then departed with the other guests ; but the next day when they ahd all reassembled, and the banquet was ended, their host, Sindbad, continued his adventures.

次回より、最終章 Fourth Voyage 始まります。
Fisherman and his Wife は25日に確実に出ます。

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