Tigger has Breakfast ブログトップ

In which Tigger comes to the Forest and has breakfast (1) [Tigger has Breakfast]

In which Tigger comes to the Forest and has breakfast (1)

Winnie-the-pooh woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and listened.

Then he got out of bed, and lit his candle, and stumped across the room to see if anybody was trying to get into his honey-cupboard, and they weren't, so he stumped back again, blew out his candle, and got into bed.

Then he heard the noise again.
" Is that you, Piglet ? " he said.
But it wasn't.

"Come in, Christopher Robin, " he said.
But Christopher Robin didn't.

" Tell me about it to-morrow, Eeyore, " said Pooh sleepy.

But the noise went on.
" Worraworraworraworraworra, " said Whatever-it-was, and Pooh found that he wasn't asleep after all.


In which Tigger comes to the Forest and has breakfast (2) [Tigger has Breakfast]

In which Tigger comes to the Forest and has breakfast (2)

" What can it be ? " he thought.

" There are lots of noises in the Forest, but this is a different one. It isn't a growl, and it isn't a purr, and it isn't a bark, and it isn't the noise-you-make-before-beginning-a -piece-of-poetry, but it's a noise of some kind, made by a strange animal ! And he's making it outside my door. So I shall get up and ask him not to do it. "

He got out of bed and opened his front door.
" Hallo ! " said Pooh, in case there was anything outside.


" Hallo ! " said Whatever-it-was.

" Oh ! " said Pooh. " Hallo ! "

" Hallo ! "

" Oh, there you are ! " said Pooh. " Hallo ! "

" Hallo ! " said the Strange Animal, wondering how long this was going on.

Pooh was just going to say " Hallo " for the fourth time when he thought that he wouldn't, so he said, " Who is it ? " instead.

" Me, " said a voice.

" Oh ! " said Pooh, " Well, come here. "

So Whatever-it-was came here, and in the light of the candle, he and Pooh looked at each other.

" I'm Pooh, " said Pooh.

" I'm Tigger, " said Tigger.



Tigger has Breakfast ブログトップ
