
第8回 The Frog Prince (1) [The frog prince]

The Frog Prince (1)

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess in the castle.

She had a golden ball,and it was her favorite plaything. She took it wherever she went.

One day the Princess was playing with ball in the woods, near a well. She threw her ball high into the air.

It fellーSplash !ーinto the well.

The princess watched her golden ball sink deep into the water of the well, and she began to cry. She cried harder and harder.

Suddenly someone said, " What is the matter, princess ?  Why are you making so much noise ? "

The princess looked around. And then She looked into the well.

An ugly little frog was looking up at her. The frog asked again,
" What is the matter, princess ? "

" Oh, It's you, you old water-splasher," the princess said.
" My golden ball has fallen into the well. That is why I crying. "

" Stop crying," said the frog.
" Maybe I can help you. What will you give me if I get your ball for you."

" I will give you whatever you want, dear frog," said the princess.
" Would you like my fine silk dress ? Or my necklace of pearls ? Or would you like my golden crown ?

" No, " said the frog. " What would I do with your fine silk dress ? Or yournecklace of pearls ?  And what would I do with your golden crown ? "

" What do you want, then ? " the princess asked.

He said,
" I want to be your friend and playmate.
I want to sit with you at the supper table.
I want to eat with you from your golden plate and drink with you from your golden cup.       
I want to sleep on your fine silk pillow.
If you promise to let me do these things, I will get your ball for you. "

" I promise, " the princess said.
She thought, how can this nasty little frog come to the castle and be my playmate ? He has to stay here, in his well.

And she said again, " I promise. "

(つづく 1/4) 

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Goldilocks and the T..The Frog Prince (2) ブログトップ
